The Greeks were fabulous philosophers of a heathen tradition. It seems that it was very difficult for a former European pagan to comprehend things so important for a Semite of Abrahamic faith. Namely: Salvation is not any automatic result of a new religion. It is a solution of the dilemma of love and guilt: "A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another!" (Jn=Yōhānān 13, 34). However the Greeks concerned themselves first and foremost by the "Nature of G-d", one or three. This was their quite unexpected answer to the New Commandment, possibly even unimaginable one for G-dfearing Jews. In 325 St. Nicolas slapped Arius in the face because of the latter's incorrect comprehension of the Divinity of JHS.  In 1054 apostolic sees of Rome and Constantinople interchanged anathemas because of their disagreement whether the Holy Spirit originates vs. proceeds from only the Father, or from the Father and / through the Son. What had happened just before this, it was in 1007, when the war of Emperor Henry II against Duke Boleslaus the Brave for the seizure of Polabian lands under Polish missions led to the split of Carolingian-Ottonian Europe-the Church into national kingdoms with neo-pagan methods and morality under a Christian guise. The fires of the Inquisition flamed throughout Europe evidently showing that these were incorrectly believing heretics who should not inherit the Kingdom of G-d, but not fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, effeminate, abusers of themselves with mankind, thieves, covetous, drunkards, revilers, extortioners (1 Cor=Qōrintijjīm ’ālep 6, 9-10), because nobody burned the latter. "A new commandment I give unto you, that ye believe correctly"? Does the Salvation depend more on a correct dogmatics than on a correct life?

The greediness of feudals and fighting between kings desecrated a sacral-social harmony of interdependent papal-imperial representation of G-d's Will. Carolingian Europe-the Church perished and this boosted attempts of popes to restitute it on the basis of primacy of the clergy. Christian unity with Constantinople was ruined first and at once. Christian missions turned into bloody conquests with following enslavement of newly baptised "brothers" and their genocide. The split developed finally into something contradictory to Christianity, i.e. to "national Christianities" of Protestants with the main virtue of being faithful subordinate of the king and local feudal, the power of man perceived as a power of G-d. Finally the papal clergy lost their struggle war against kings, as well as against civil states after that. Practical reversion of European Christianity to pagan law of the strongest stimulated indifference to the New Commandment together with an interest in the "glory" of the pagan antiquity. Starting from Herder's Antient Greek heathen ideals, the Germans passed to Wagner's heathen Germanic ideals, but the Jews turned into a despized "lower race". "I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee" (Gen=Berēšīt 12, 3): why then should one wonder that the New World Order is implementing total "orvellian" control and democratic enslaving of the world today, but priests are imprisoned in accordance with the "freedom of expression" only for their public citing of G-d's Word about sodomy as a mortal sin? Has Antichrist just come, or not yet?

Today enthusiasts of the ecumenism try to glue together shatters of Carolingian Church in Europe united under Satan already. The ununified dogmatics being a hindrance for aims of the ecumenism, a devilish globalist idea emerged to create a new common religion, convenient for everybody. Attemps of a "dialogue" between "Christianity" and paganism have taken place. Meanwhile the first split of 1007 has finally reached its final stage of atomisation of faith in appearance of a lot of isolated individual one-person "churches". 
Messianic movement has no ecumenism-like problems of reconciling incompatible things. It is not an ordinary denomination: neither a "church" in a Protestant sense, nor a "sect" in a Catholic one. It represents Judeans with Torah and the Gospel, who are engrafted in the Mystical Body of the Messiah, where no difference exists between a Greek and a Jew, however the Body Itself is the body of the Chosen people. G-d the Father sends the Holy Spirit through the Son Messiah, why then we are worried about an imaginary "knowledge" of the Nature of Persons what is above our comprehension in principle? Enough for us that JHS is Messiah of Yisra’el and Saviour of the mankind. It is not a task for our brains, whether only G-d were capable to save the mankind. G-d really has nothing to do with sin. Nevertheless this fact does not represent any material for speculations of our intellect. We do not dare to question the Nicene Creed, however it is not a dogmic ground on which the last Christians will unite round their Jewish roots! They will unite on the ground of Love and Sacrifice of the Messiah only.

On entering the Ecclesiastical Body of Messiah JHS, every believer becomes adopted to Abraham: from now on the believer belongs to the Chosen people, to which belong all the Jews, those that have accepted Messiah JHS as well as those who have not accepted Him yet. In Messianic Judaism, those of the 613 Torah commandments which concern yt hamMiqdāš (the Temple), are fulfilled beyond time in the Sacrifice of  Messiah JHS, Who Alone is the Temple as well as He is also hakKōhēn hagGādōl (the High Priest) today and for ever. All other Torah commandments, of which "one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass till all be fulfilled" (Mt=Mattāj 5, 17-18), are fulfilled in everlasting Sacrifice of Messiah's Body, the Church, i.e. in life of all Messianic people who are in this Body. This fulfilment can coincide with that of traditional halakhic ("halachic") sometimes, sometimes not. The Messianic Jews do not believe in the "Oral Torah" and consider it to have been introduced by people - cf. "Thus have ye made the commandment of G-d of none effect by your tradition"  (Mt=Mattāj 15, 6), "Their fear toward Me is taught by the precept of men" (Is=Yešà‘jā 29, 13). However unlike the Karaites, the Messianic Jews do not reject the whole talmudic tradition bet endeavour to preserve what seems to be typical Jewish and witnesses association with Yisra’el people, provided this does not contradict to the Atonement by JHS. Task to preserve traditions among Messianic people is a duty of ethnic Jews grown up in these traditions. Those non-halakhic Jews (not circumcised, born by non-Jewish woman etc.), who are outside these traditions, as well as "Jews" coming from goyim (nations other than Jewish), e.g. without the traditional process of the giyur (conversion), cannot determine rules of  life and rites but are only admitted to common house with its existing rules. This makes a difference between the situation of believers of a non-Jewish origin, who are adopted by a messianic community, from the situation of Bney Noah (Noahides) who remain outside the Jewish people under the guidance of Jewish Rabbis.
It is necessary to mention that messianic communities are various, differing from one another from Protestantism in Hebrew till almost traditional synagogal Judaism even without the Divinity of JHS but accepting Him as Messiah and Redeemer, Who (like in Islam) is coming for the second time. When orienting oneself in oceans of various groups one should be especially cautious facing attempts of creating "messianic dogmic theology", i.e. an ordinary denomination following the historic way of the non-Jewish Christianity. Thus people dissociate themselves from the pre-Necene epoch and ruin a possibility of forming a uniting refuge for various last Christians.
Vilnius Messianic Community and Kaunas Para-Messianic group keep the golden mean of classic Trinitarian concept and Incarnation without emphasising basic dogmas. This allows almost all Christians to come back to the Jewish apostolic roots, onto which they have been grafted with their faith, as well as to unite on the ground of JHS being Messiah and Saviour of the whole mankind. Various special dogmas are not denied in this way, however dogmic incompatibily, formed in centuries, is neutralised due to priorities oriented toward the pre-Necene epoch. Those who are inclined to bring with them their habitual interconfessional wrangles into a messianic community, should be warned or excluded. A messianic community like that in Vilnius is not any new "church". Its interconfessional character lets her members to remain in their confessions till the latter are not swept down by the satanised world. One day all Messianic Jews irrespectively of provenance will remain the single representatives of the apostolic faith when traditional Christian confessions will have been destroyed. Any historic controversies will fall away of own accord.
