
Confessing the shift of the Covenants from the Old Sinaitic one to the New one, the Messianic Judaism maintains fundamental significance of the Torah, especially with regard to those statutes, which are called eternal by G-d. Such attitude towards Torah discards any attempt to explain the word “eternal” in an emphatic meaning in Hebrew. All statutes are in force “till all be fulfilled” (Matthew 5,18) with the single pecualiarity that part of these statutes are executed by Y-shua‘ Himself (e.g. those requiring the Temple for the perfrormance of sacrifices, Y-shua‘ Himself being the Temple, but His Sacrifice replacing and superseding all Temple sacrifices). 
The Gospels were composed on the basis of Y-shua‘'s Sayings and reveal the New Covenant instituted in His Blood between G-d and G-d's Chosen People expanded upon the whole mankind. Thus the Gospels (Besora) expressing meaning of the New Covenent follow Torah which expresses meaning of the Sinaitic Covenant. The New Covenant fulfils the Sinaitic Covenant but does not deny the Sinaitic Covenant.
Writings of the Sinaitic Covenant are continued through the New Covenant with the Acts of the Apostles, while the Prophets – with the Apocalypse (Revelation) of Yohannan (John).

Epistles of the Apostles are Midrashim (practical teachings) by pupils of the Lord Y-hua‘. Of them most important for the Messianic Jews are: 
Paul's to Hebrews (a short messianic exegese of Scriptures whitnessing Y-shua‘ to all Jews), 
(to Messianic Jews in diaspora), 
the 11th chapter of Paul's Epistle to the Romans
as well as Paul's to Galatians
However the latter can be comprehended controversially as ostnsibly negating the importance of good works for the Salvation (in contrast to James 2, 24-26). Therefore the words of 2 Peter 3, 16 can be applied to it. 
The episteles of Peter, John and Jude are addressed to Messianic Jews and gentiles. 
Messages addressed to gentiles (as to Romans, Corinthians) are not so important for theMessianic Jews.
As for the famous statement of Paul in 2 Timothy 3:16 (“All Scripture”), it refered to the time before the formation of the New Testament canon. Therefore it had in mind the Hebrew Bible only (cf. Acts 15:21), while the Gospel still did not exist then at all.
(Cf. also a sequential reading of traditional NT in the order of Parashot).
